

Inner Space Psychological Services

Do you offer telehealth services?2022-01-13T01:45:35+00:00

Yes, we offer a mixture of telephone, video and onsite services. The cost of these services is the same regardless of how you attend your appointment. Please let us know your preference when you book online.

Do you bulk-bill2022-01-13T01:44:44+00:00

Unfortunately we are not a bulk-bill service and we are unable to provide free services. Please contact your GP for free government services in your area.

What is a Provisional Psychologist?2021-11-13T04:09:19+00:00

Provisional Psychologists have been approved by the Australian Health Professionals Regulation Agency (AHPRA) to work with clients under the supervision of more experienced psychologists. At Inner Space our provisionals are under the supervision of our senior psychologists.
Whilst they are registered with AHPRA, they can’t provide rebates for Medicare or Private Health Funds. Because of this we are offering their services at a significantly reduced rate. You essentially get the benefit of working with the provisional psychologist with the input of at least two senior psychologists and no limit to the number of sessions you can access!

Why choose a provisionally registered psychologist?

•  No wait time
•  No need for a referral or Mental Health Care Plan.
•  Reduced fees
•  No limit to the number of sessions
•  All services are overseen by our senior clinical psychologists.

Our Provisional Team come with a range of backgrounds and experiences. They currently offer services to clients from 13 years of age through to older persons. They are able to help with anxiety, depression, stress, interpersonal issues and other common problems people face.
Rebates are not available for services provided by provisional psychologists.

Do I need a referral?2021-11-13T04:09:13+00:00

No, you don’t need a referral to see one of our psychologists. However, if you are eligible to claim the Medicare rebate you will need a referral and mental health care plan from your doctor stating the type of service and the number of sessions you are being referred for. Please note that  Medicare rebates do not apply to services by our provisional psychologists, hence we offer these services at a significantly reduced rate.

If you are coming for insurance reasons (i.e., worker’s compensation or Motor Accident CTP) then you will need prior approval from your case manager.

If you are planning to use your DVA card (white or gold) as payment then you will need a referral from your GP and prior approval.

Is my session confidential?2021-11-13T04:09:07+00:00

A psychologist is bound by a Code of Ethics that helps to protect your privacy. It is your right to choose whether to tell others about your contact with a Psychologist. However, a psychologist is also bound by a Duty of Care; this means that they are required to ensure your safety and the safety of others. In practical terms, it means that in extreme circumstances (e.g., suicidal intent or child protection issues) a psychologist will need to contact key people. In most cases this will be your Doctor, the local hospital or ambulance Service, police, or the relevant child protection agency. Where possible, you should be informed if this is going to happen and why it is necessary. For more information about limits to your confidentiality see our Privacy Policy.

Can I get a copy of my records?2021-11-13T04:09:02+00:00

Yes. By law you are entitled to have access to your file and/or request a copy. Please note that reasonable fees are charged for copying, collating and viewing a file. Your psychologist will typically ask that you make an appointment in order for us to explain the contents of the file and allow you to ask any questions before providing the copy. In rare circumstances we may not be able to provide a copy. More information about this can be found in our Privacy Policy or in the NSW Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002.

Can I bring my children to my session?2021-11-13T04:08:48+00:00

It is not recommended to bring a young child along to your session. Having a child present can be distracting and may limit what you say and what you get out of therapy. If you have an older child who may be able to wait in our reception area, please bring something for them to do whilst they are waiting for you. Please note that our reception is generally unattended and there is no supervision for children.

What can I expect for my first session?2021-11-13T04:08:53+00:00

Before your session begins you will be asked to complete some standard paperwork including a personal details form and some questionnaires. You’ll also need to read through an information form outlining our service. When your session begins you will have the opportunity to discuss the paperwork with your psychologist to make sure all your questions are answered. With the paperwork out of the way, the first session usually involves you having the time to talk about why you’re there and your psychologist gathering some background information to fully understand your issues. Your psychologist will work with you to develop an understanding of what is troubling you and how therapy can help.

What types of therapy do you offer?2021-11-13T04:08:09+00:00

As a group we offer a range of therapies and treatment approaches. What is offered will depend on the training and preferences of the individual psychologist as well as what your presenting issue might be. All of our psychologists are trained in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) in addition to other therapy approaches. More information about different types of therapies can be found on Our Services page.

Do you do reports for criminal matters or family court?2021-11-13T04:08:14+00:00

No. We do not provide reports for family court matters or criminal matters.

Do you provide services under NDIS?2021-11-13T04:08:22+00:00

Yes we can. However, we are not registered NDIS providers and cannot work with individuals who are Agency (i.e., NDIA) managed. If you are self-managed or have a support coordinator managing your plan then we may be able to help. Simply give us a call or book an intro call online to discuss your needs with us before booking.

How long will it take before I feel better?2021-11-13T04:08:32+00:00

Change is a very individual process and so many factors can influence recovery. It will depend on what symptoms you are experiencing, how long you have had those symptoms, what support you have, what goals you are expecting to achieve, where you’re at in terms of motivation to change and what skills you already have, etc. It’s normal for people to experience fluctuations in their recovery before they see an overall improvement. What you put into your treatment makes a big difference to the outcome. For some the transition can happen quickly, for others it’s a longer journey. What you put into your treatment determines the outcome.

What is the difference between a clinical psychologist, a psychologist, a psychiatrist and a counsellor?2021-11-13T04:08:41+00:00

Psychologists are AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) registered professionals who are required to undertake university level training that meets certain training requirements and ethical standards. They are specifically trained in human behaviour and mental health. Some psychologists undertake additional training in specific areas of practice (such as clinical psychology, occupational psychology, or education and developmental psychology). The study of clinical psychology involves the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness from a scientific framework.

A Psychiatrist is first and foremost a medical doctor who specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. They undergo extensive training in their chosen field. Psychiatrists can prescribe medication and tend to treat the more complex and serious mental illnesses.

Counsellors can provide support in lots of areas in life. They can come from all sorts of training backgrounds and offer a range support. Technically anyone can call themselves a counsellor in Australia as there is no regulation of the industry. However, many counsellors volunteer to register with national counselling organisations in Australia such as PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia). These organisations require members to meet minimum requirements for training, experience and competence and to adhere to a range of ethical standards.

There are many other professionals who also work in the mental health space including Occupational Therapists and Mental Health Social Workers who can offer a range of support.

What is most important is to find someone who best fits your needs for the issues you are dealing with and who is able to guide you towards the best possible outcomes for you.

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