Issues in Adolescence

Issues in Adolescence

Adolescence can be a challenging time for many. This is a time of transition; no longer children but not quite adults; struggling between dependency and autonomy; exploring their own identity. It’s a time when conflict with family is not uncommon. The parent-child relationship is changing along with the whole family dynamics. This is all part of this normal developmental phase in life.

What are some common issues that arise for our young people?

This challenging time of life gives rise to a multitude of issues. Not everyone experiences adolescence as challenging and tumultuous; there are certainly some who seem to sail through without too many storms. However, the World Health Organisation (WHO) states that almost half of mental health issues experienced by people start by the age of 14 years. Hence, this is a time for checking in with our young people and providing appropriate support and guidance.

Common issues include:

  • Challenging social relationships
  • School issues including bullying, academic issues, motivation, stress and pressure
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thinking and behaviours
  • Self-harm
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Body issues
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Alcohol and other Drug use
  • Cyber issues
  • Sexuality and gender identity issues

Tips, and Strategies

If you hold concerns about the safety of a young person please seek assistance by visiting your GP or calling the Kids Helpline (13-25yo) on 1800 55 1800. Here’s some suggestions for encouraging communication and connection:

  • First and foremost, make time to listen!
  • Take interest in things that they are interested in and provide encouragement.
  • Talk about why they had certain reactions and try to understand what might be causing them
  • Let them know they have been heard and explore solutions together
  • Encourage open communication with no judgement
  • Respect their privacy
  • Let them know you are there for them

When can a Psychologist help?

When issues arise around mental health or problems have been going on for some time without change then it might be time to seek additional support. Psychologists can help with any of the issues mentioned above and can provide strategies for reducing distress and improving communication. It’s important that young people feel heard and are part of the decision-making when it comes to their own lives. Our team is here to help when you need a bit of support getting back on track. You can book online here, give us a call on (02) 4625 3339 or email us at

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